Friday, December 5, 2008

Now available at Xbox LIVE!

Ladybird Galaxy is now available for download at Xbox LIVE Marketplace or for only 200 Microsoft Points.

Go to and download Ladybird Galaxy


Ralph Barbagallo said...

This is a great game! So far it's the only Community Game I've felt is worth paying for. Good work!

One thing I kind of don't like is how you can't tell when the sweep bar is coming. It would be nice to have some kind of alert or some way to prepare for the sweep thingo. Otherwise it seems unfair to get caught out there not near a boost.

I dig this game!

Eric S. said...

Nice game. A good example of what XNA games should be. A fun idea with nice presentation.

A lot of other games feel incomplete, mostly because graphics/sound not being given much thought. Or the game feeling like an unfinished tech demo or experiment. This looks and plays like a finished product.

Though there is plenty of room for addition in this game or a sequel or whatever. More modes, enemy types, powerups, online play all that kind of stuff.

Kobingo said...

Wow, I never thought I would get feedback so quickly. Thank you very much for your kind words.

You do get a warning sound when the beam is coming. Maybe you just didn't notice, try to listen again :-) It almost sounds like an alarm clock...

Jayenkai said...

I didn't have any points, though, so I only managed to pick it up this morning.. I've been playing it most of today, though. And that's saying something, considering I also downloaded the Sonic Unleashed demo, too!!!

Well done.
I can't wait to see more from you.

Adaptor said...

This looks like a fun game. It's a shame XBLCG isn't accessible from where I live, otherwise I would surely have tried it out.

I'd like to make an XNA game myself and this is quite inspiring. Must've been a lot of hard work.
Congratulations on releasing it!

TheBlackWizards said...

as others have already commented, I believe your game to be a sort of definition of what 80pts community games should aspire to be. It is complete, nothing about it feels lazy, it is fun and addictive, and it even sports two multiplayer modes! Thanks for making this fun little game, I appreciate it and so did my friends who I played it with. (One girl squawked/squealed with joy/surprise when she got a star for the first time and sped all over, pretty entertaining). Keep up the good work! Will we ever see another game from you?
-josh g in canada
The Arcturian on xbox live

Kobingo said...

Thank you! I really appriciate it!

It took me a a long time to create this game, almost 6 months... When you look at it, it's a really simple and small game - but this is the game I'm most proud of :)

Event though I have got quite good reviews - the game has sold really bad (not even 300 copies).

I'm "afraid" to put my soul into another game (which may also sell bad). This is why I have decided to only create even more simple games (that doesn't take so long to create) in the future. Actually I already have another "game" on the Indie Games - It's called "Let's Draw A Picture Together!".

Thank you again!

TheBlackWizards said...

I think it is unfortunate that the few good indie games don't enjoy enough success (often) to encourage their creators. Having myself been interested and involved in the indie pc games scene for some years now, I can say that small games often have the most heart and tend to be more interesting/innovative than the majority of big budget titles and I hope/suspect that indie games on the 360 will only get more attention as time goes on.
By the way, I have seen 'let's draw a picture together' on top downloads/top rated sometimes,Ithink, so I hope that project does well for you.

Anyway, good luck and keep it up in whatever capacity you feel you can. I know what it is like to put lots of work (though not six months I admit!) into something only to have so few people actually check it out. (to plug my own free album).